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ODU Student sitting by the Webb Lion Fountain

Department of Communication & Theatre ArtsMasters in Lifespan & Digital Communication


Priscilla is a Navy Vet with the Seabees, who drove heavy machinery and road building equipment for Navy construction projects.

Richard is a Graduate Teaching Assistant & Transportation Safety Administration worker.

ODU's graduate degree program in Lifespan & Digital Communication is unique in the field of communication. It is one of the few in the U.S. to focus on Lifespan Communication, and the only one in the U.S. that combines relational communication and digital media studies into a comprehensive graduate program focusing on communication development across the generational domains. We'll equip you, the next generation of communication professionals and educators, to innovate, imagine and create the methods and solutions critical for 21st century communication problems utilizing the most up-to-date research tools.

Coursework can be completed On Campus or Online!

Focus Areas include:

  • Strategic Communication
  • Lifespan Communication: Relationships & Groups
  • Media Studies
  • Professional Communication

Working with award-winning faculty, our MA graduates gain the critical skills to:

  • Improve the quality of communication in personal and social relationships today and for future generations.
  • Oversee better quality educational, entertainment, and news media for audiences of all ages.
  • Use communication methods to improve the inclusiveness and quality of everyday living for people of all ages.
  • Develop innovative social scientific and critical tools to study communication that can effectively manage society's problems.
  • Make local-to-global communication inclusive, optimal, and effective for all people of all ages.


  • Fall or Summer "Graduate Assistantship" consideration, early application deadline: March 31st
  • Fall or Summer General Application date: April 15th

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Lambda Pi Eta

Lambda Pi Eta is the National Communication Association's honor society. Lambda Pi Eta recognizes, fosters, and rewards outstanding scholastic achievement while stimulating interest in the communication discipline. To become a member, email gbeck@botvbeerbq.net to request the application.

Public Relations Student Society of America

Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA) is the foremost pre-professional association for graduate and undergraduate students focused on a career in this growing field. ODU's PRSSA is one of 340 chapters.

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